Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring break...finally.

           Today starts my spring break and that means extra workouts. I’m looking forward to the extra time in the gym because I’ve had a pretty rough week and I need to focus my energy somewhere that’s not going to get me in trouble. I know I won’t get myself into any trouble in the gym.

            I think I will do some cardio this morning and then meet up with Janelle in the afternoon to do our regular lifting. We did the two-a-day workouts last summer and I didn’t think they were that bad. No big surprise, but I lost more weight during that time too.

            When you go the same gym two times in one day you will get strange looks. Sometimes you get there when the morning staff if just arriving and then come back before they are off work for the day. They just look at you in a very confused way since you are wearing different gym clothes, but they know you’ve already been there. I think it really confuses the people at the gym. Most of the guys that work there aren’t that smart so I’m sure they are even more easily confused.

            Here’s how these days work for me. It’s pretty exhausting because I feel like I’m spending half my day rinsing off and changing clothes. I’ll go to the gym in the morning and then go home, shower, and change for work (tutoring). Then I will come home, change for the gym, and run out the door. After all of that I still like to go out and be social, so I have to go home, rinse, change my clothes, and head out for the night. Don’t forget that I have to find time to eat every third hour as well. Some days I feel like my own three ring circus.

            Anyway, it sounds pretty busy, but I like it. It makes the time fly by and I feel like I’ve actually accomplished something.


  1. I would LOVE being able to go to the gym whenever I wanted as much as I wanted. I work out at night and of my gym didn't have crappy hours I would be there till midnight. Days with more time at home turn into temptations to eat more. Hitting the gym twice in one day will make sure nothing like that happens.

    Keep it up.

    Starting At 500 Pounds

  2. You made me remember I used to do that :-( At the moment it's so hard to get to the gym full stop, I think I need to include some alternatives to get some more exercise in, you've got me thinking, thanks!

  3. Kudos to you for going twice!
