Saturday, March 19, 2011

Best mirror ever!

           I have found the most amazing mirror ever. Seriously, hands down it’s the BEST MIRROR EVER. It’s not in my house, it’s not in a department store; it’s in one of the staff bathrooms at work. In a nut shell this mirror takes off 20 pounds and adds 5 inches to your height. I’m not even lying.

            A few months ago I was waiting to use the restroom in this little waiting area in the staff restroom. I glanced over by the wall and saw a full length mirror. Now, like anyone who has lost a significant amount of weight, I enjoy checking myself out in any mirror. So there I was checking myself out and I realized that I looked freaking awesome in this mirror. I looked 20 pounds lighter and I was really tall. (This mirror reminds me of the Paula Abdul video Straight Up, where they stretched the film to make her look taller and slimmer. Do you remember that, or is it just me?)

            Then the lady in the restroom walked out and caught me checking myself out. Oops. I was kinda embarrassed. The lady was like, “Yea, that mirror is awesome.” We both laughed and made some comments about coming to the restroom just to see the mirror and then went our separate ways. No kidding, every time I’m in there I check myself out and someone catches me doing it! They all have the same reaction, “Yea, that mirror is awesome.” I never catch anyone else checking their self out!

            I would love to steal the mirror and bring it to house. I think all the other teachers are thinking the same thing though. 


  1. Love it! If you could duplicate that mirror.. you could be rich!

  2. oh that would be awesome to have a mirror like that around!

  3. That mirror almost has my name on it! I don't mind being 20lbs lighter but I like my height so I don't need to be

  4. Um I totally want one of those! I would never leave the mirror :)

  5. I want one of those! I will come help you steal it if we can share! lol

  6. You can all come to my work and help me steal it then! We will all have to take turns with the mirror.
